Dear Believers, Friends And Supporters,
The Muslim Mission Center Under The Leadership Of Imam Wali Muhammad Following The Leadership Of Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Is Striving To Build Masjid Taqwa. We Are Asking 1000 Donors To Donate $1000, Which Will Be Highly Appreciated. All Donations Are Highly Appreciated. We Are Striving To Build Masjid Taqwa By Next Ramadan. We Will Keep You Informed Of All Stages Of Progress.
"Imam Wali A. Muhammad"
Planning To Build Masjid Taqwa
What is Masjid Taqwa?
Masjid Taqwa is a shining light on a hill. Masjid Taqwa is a community. Masjid Taqwa is ordained by Allah for us to build Masjids to establish community life. If we are not striving to aid in the uplifting of the community then we are part of the problem. Our goal in building Masjid Taqua is to help form doctors, scientists, engineers, architects, and maybe a couple of surveyors. The Messenger of Allah (SWT) says the most beloved of places to Allah are the Masjid (Muslim). The messenger of Allah (SWT) says whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise (Bukhari). Blessing is to be reaped from giving toward building a Masjid. Countless Sadaqah Jariyah. Countless blessings as long as people use it. Gain a house in Jannah.